Main façade
Work stations and communal meeting room
Entry wall and cafe
Roof terrace Pergola
interior court with theater seats
Graphics by Studio Pitango
Multipurpose space
Stairs to Gallery
Aerial view
Main entrance
Façade to pedestrian path
Bridge to roof terrace
Previous to retrofit
Axonometric view New vs. Previous
outdoor activities
Outdoor programs - Play/ Yoga/ Movie
Site model - pedestrian path
Ground Floor Plan - Circulation
Users diagram by days and hours
Exterior rendering
The city of Kfar Yona is a fast growing city which invites young population.
The Young/Adult center was designed for the young residents of the city, at the center of town, to provide flexible and multifunctional spaces.
Clinet: City of Kfar-Yona
Team at AL/Arch:
Oksana Pak, Yifat Rozenshein, Micaela Schinoff
Rendering: Ido Shavit