Tabenkin Bat-Yam
Salame Sha’arei Teshuva
Public Realm Framework analysis
Mazkeret Batya Station Quarter
Urban proposal – Jaffa Margins
Rishon LeZion promanade
Education compound competition
Urban Shade Holon
conTEMPORARY Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Eco Dune, China
eco – agro educational center
harova – urban regeneration
Recycling in the city
the REAL estate
Haifa urban renewal
Kamada Pharmaceuticals
Kfar Yona young/adult center
Beker 4- retail and office building
Affordable housing Rishon LeZion
Ness Ziona Mixed Uses complex
Daliyat al-Karmel Council Building
Ibn Gabirol 86-92 Tel-Aviv
Pika 4-6
rova habiluim – strip mall
Sustainable bridge Hiriya
Givat-Brener Logistic Center
eco-lodge in the negev
Farmers market Los Angeles
School entrance Ashdod D
M-21 Learning Spaces
Iban Ezra remodel
MCRC cancer resource center
Ben Avigdor Lofts
Avix offices HUB
Katz offices
Gilmore Bank
Flexible Urbanism
Story map Nahalat Yitzhak
Neighbor notification – new generation
Los Angeles H* Urban Bureau
LA Civic Park Proposals
Ha’Neviim Bat-Yam
Montefiore Neighborhood
Accessibility Statement
Tabenkin Bat-Yam
Kamada Pharmaceuticals
Salame Sha’arei Teshuva
Public Realm Framework analysis
Kfar Yona young/adult center
Beker 4- retail and office building
Affordable housing Rishon LeZion
Mazkeret Batya Station Quarter
Flexible Urbanism